Blockchain and value added tax

Blockchain is on everyone’s lips – but no one is thinking about VAT! Analyze business cases, improve processes and optimize your VAT situation even in the new world of crypto-currencies and blockchain’s.

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Recognize value added tax risks

Do you know the risks of value added tax (VAT)? Although many entrepreneurs deal with the topic of VAT, risks are often not perceived or perceived late. When it comes to VAT, even small details can turn into a big problem and accordingly cause a big burden for your business. Read here how you can minimize these risks with VAT.

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Important tax questions related to COVID19 – focus on Liechtenstein

The current situation due to the extraordinary COVID measures may also have an impact on the tax situation of employees. One year after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and in view of the submission of the tax returns for the years 2020 and 2021, significant questions are increasingly arising regarding the imputation / deduction of individual costs. Below you will find an overview with current information that may also affect your tax return.

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